
Saturday, June 2, 2012

new experience, another challenge, be grateful

"Students with Character and Intelligent in culture, creativity and technological innovation"

Students are part of intelligentsia. According to the definition, the intellectual itself are the human figure who has the principles and firms conviction to continue moving the society forward. And according to Ali Shariati, the intellectuals are like movie director. They are the director of those people that they observed and the various social types they must know well. So, the students should not just a smart person but also able to make the difference in their communities. The students should be good at putting themselves and remain in their establishment with a solid basic of knowledge. Not patronizing, but what they say must be full of knowledge and benefits. Essentially, the students must not only intelligent but also should have a character. And this paper will be proposed about the students with character and intelligent in culture, creativity and technological innovation.

As we know, culture is the way of life that develops and owned jointly by a group of people and passed down from generation to generation and the culture is also closely connected with community. But in this day, in this global era everything is turned into more distinct than before. Technology continues to evolve and creativity also increasing but it is unfortunate when culture began to be forgotten. Why I say the culture began to be forgotten? One of the reasons is because of technology. Well, actually technology itself often to be a conversation everywhere and everyone has different views about it. Some people argue that technology is something that was free and neutral but we still cannot separate technology with human life that in fact affected the values such as cultural, political, and social. So, why technology can make the culture began to be forgotten?

The culture in Indonesia right now has grown rapidly. And one of the reasons is because the people increase their creativity to produce or at least use the innovative technologies. There are so many things that we can get from technology, not just information or to communicate but also culture can be expanded to the entire region and throughout the world. So, everyone can know and enjoy every varieties of culture in this world. Technology is one result of the culture that created by the society. Although the technology is a product of culture that consist of some neutral elements, but when it becomes a single entity the neutralist lost.
Technology itself is a form that is created through communicative interactions for expressing ideas symbolically. And with that interaction, creativity of people increase and the idea to create the technology for human delivered. So that, the technology created as the tool of human being.

Glance, culture and technology are like two different things. Culture with the historical background and beliefs, while the technology is more based on trend. But in fact, between technology and culture, there is an inseparable relationship. The technology is a form of culture and the culture in the use of technology also has an important role. Ivan Illich in Y.B. Mangunwijaya describes how the human controlled device ended up by determining the human self-image. The technology also can change the culture. Technology can bring new culture that is considered more modern which at least will affect the culture that has existed on a person or a society. So, as the students with the character and intelligent we should be able to filter what kind of culture that we should take or not because after all, the students still have responsibilities for themselves, for others, and also for the nation.

And creativity? Creativity is one of the important things that should be owned by students. And it may make the students themselves to create technology that will ultimately make their own culture a little forgotten. However, now we live in globalization era, with rapid technological advance, any information can be entered and consumed by the public which resulted in a shift of cultural values (especially for the eastern).
Actually, era of the globalization can be avoided. Globalization is not only affected the culture but also others aspects in this life such as ideological, economic, politic, socio cultural, and others. Although we can get a lot from other people by using technology, we certainly cannot ignore our culture. We, as the students should be able to filter all incoming culture. We can certainly examine what is good and not and what we can accept and reject. Maybe we can imitate their way of thinking which sometime more advanced and open, their work ethic, disciplines, and also the other good things from them.

But what we could see today is different. Many students and others almost forget about their culture. They began to be contaminated with the western culture which is considered as a reference of fashion, life style, and others that spread quickly through the technology which eventually will spread to other problems such as social inequality, also the emergence of individualism. Internet as the technology, a media with unlimited information and can be accessed by anyone involved to be the cause of globalization in which the internet has become a daily intake of people in this age.

Drs. Nyoman Wijaya, M.Hum in her article entitled “Mensinergikan Budaya dan Teknologi” said, “Japan, India, and America has been able to empower the appropriate culture and the synergy culture of technology. They have long cultural export to other countries. In fact, in terms of substance, Indonesia has a cultural value which is very rich. But because it is not mated with technology, then we are only able to place culture as an object.”

Globalization of course would bring the influence of society either positive or negative. We should be ready to filter out any incoming foreign culture. And as the student with the character and intelligence, in culture we should still keep what we have and don’t deviated from our own culture but we still do increasing our creativity to produce another innovative technological that may help us to take a chance in this globalization era.

- Gustinavira (2103321015) Extrension B`10

and cause of this paper, i should present this paper in front of the judges and my classmates but after that i got the 3rd rank in this Scientific Writing Competition :") felt so nervous but yeah, that's worth it. Alhamdulillah :D

3rd winner Scientific Writing Competition
English and Literature Department
Faculty of Languages and Arts
Friday, June 1st 2012

*thanks everyone who support me the most :)